My desire waned to run more full marathons after my less than stellar 2016 running of the TCS NYC Marathon. Granted, I know part of that was due to other circumstances causing my training to stop for a couple months. Other parts have been lingering. Stomach issues have been hitting me for the past few marathons, as well as some chafing issues in an odd place… where the middle of the back of my shorts rub the base of my spine.
Then again, during a number of races, I had decided I was going to drop my marathon volume down to almost nothing, and focus on halves for a while.
However, much like leading up to Revel’s Inaugural Mt. Charleston Marathon, I have aspirations of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. My pacing at the start of 2016’s race was where I needed it to be. Once my stomach issues made their reoccurring presence known, my pace slowed down, and dreams of making a left on Hereford, and a right on Boylston Street in Boston were dashed.
Now that we no longer live in Las Vegas, it is a little trickier to run races there. This race though, it is worth a trip back. I want my BQ. I want to run a sub-3 hour marathon. Running down Mount Charleston is a good route to attempt such a crazy fast (for me) pace.
While I am at it, perhaps I will re-ignite my attempt for marathons in 9 states in 12 months again. Missing out on Washington, Idaho, and Montana this summer dashed that goal’s completion.
Another marathon may be in the works for May, one that I had sworn I would not run again. My will to avoid miserable races weakens after I get asked enough times to run it again. Will post about that once a final decision is made.
Winter is here, let’s get this chilly training season going!
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