- Rebuilding mode

Rebuilding & Repairing

I had to migrate to a new server, and rebuild the blog, as the old server got hacked. In trying to clean it up, I managed to break a lot of stuff on the old…

334 Days Until Race Day

Once the running bug hit me, I became borderline addicted to racing. 5k, 10k, 8k, half marathon, marathon, trail, road, ultra, etc I didn’t care. Get me an entry & let me race! Then 2016…

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Hello 2018

Here’s to hoping to stay in one home for the entirety of 2018! The last 24 months have been hectic, living in 5 states (granted one was a duplicate), with three different positions, in three…

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Lack of Updates

Between working a ton of hours, traveling to visit family on my days off, and a lack of usable internet where I have been staying, writing blog posts has been difficult! There have been so…